Did you know the second most read page of your website is “About me” page?
Of course only if you have some 🙂 And why is “About me” page so important? Surely you have regularly oportunity to decide among several offers of products or services. If you can see and know something about person or people “who are behind it”, whom you would chose? I bet you will choose more sympathetic and more confident person or people. And surely there is bigger probability you choose someone you know at least something about him/her than totally anonymous service provider or product seller. A well written “About me” page can be a great chance for creating a relationship with potential clients.
What should include a well written “About me” page?
– it is good to attract attention at first. Your vision or motto written with big and bold letters can do this job for you,
– it is said: “picture is worth a thousand words”. Your photo will be probably the most important element of “About me” page. Of course, it must be high-quality, reflect your personality and should suppor your business (e.g. different style and composition is suitable for a coach in comparison to an IT specialist and also different style is suitable for creative professional),
– next, of course, is very important information who you are and what you offer,
– how you got there? Are you a professional with 20 years of experience, have you developed your family business to a company with 50 employees or do you have 13 years of experience as a manager of an international company?
– your clients are interested in why you do what you do. If you are not operating in the non-profit sector, the answer “for profit” would be certainly also true. However, you will surely agree with me, that passion for your work is also necessary for success. Show your clients that what you do, you do with passion and your priority is the client´s satisfaction,
– some personal information. Surely, no one will be interested in where you attended high school and in which year you graduated. However, one or two carefully selected information from your private life can help to establish more personal relationship,
– if you do not have contact information somewhere else on your website, the end of this page is good place for them,
– and always remember to write in first person!
… what else could attract attention?
– links to your favorite posts or websites related to your work,
– opportunity to register for receiving of “newsletter”,
– testimonials,
– certificates, awards related to your profession,
– possibility to connect with you on social networks and gets the latest offers from you.
What to say at the end?
Try to keep your information concise, clear and up to date. Bellow, you can find links to some interesting “About me” pages for inspiration:
– Engage Interactive About Page
I wish you lots of good ideas when writing your “About me” page :–)